Chinese Farmer

There’s a farmer, and he lives with his son. They have one horse, and the horse runs away.

Everyone from the town comes by that night, and they say the horse ran away.

The villages reply “Oh no, what terrible news!”

The farmer replies “well.. I dont know if its Good news or Bad news. We dont know yet.”

The next day the Horse came back with two more horses.

Everyone from the town came by that night, and the villages reply “Oh great news, now you have three horses!”

The farmer replies “well.. I dont know if its Good news or Bad news. We dont know yet.”

The next day the son went out and started training one of the new horses, and fell and broke his back.

Everyone from the town came by that night, and the villages reply “Oh no, what terrible news!”

The farmer replies “well.. I dont know if its Good news or Bad news…”

The next day the Constable from the Military came by and said that we’re taking all able bodied young men to join the military. The farmer replied that his son had a broken back, and therefore can’t go to the army.

Everyone from the town came by that night, and the villages reply “Oh, good news, your son doesn’t have to join the army!”

The farmer replies “well.. I dont know if its Good news or Bad news. We’ll have to see”

and the idea of this is that it could go on and on and on and on.

So, the idea of missing a green, on hole 16 at Augusta, if you’re Tiger Woods, that could be good news because that could be a defining moment when the ball lands on the green at the edge of the hole. Rests on the lip.. with the Nike logo tick perfectly displayed, and then falls in. Thats where I go with this, when wishing things were different.

If you subscribe to the idea of the Chinese Farmer, of Good News, Bad News, who knows… you cannot believe that there even is bad news.